Welcome To Our Space:
A Womb Wellness Journey
In this course, connect to your own womb space through guided meditations, wellness practices and movement practices to connect to our pelvic floor and beyond.
Integrate through mind/body medicine how to connect to the womb space and channel the energy with in each of us. Through this integrative view and coursework work on various levels of health, wellness and beyond.
The Moon and The Womb
The moon and it's various phases connects directly to the pelvis, pelvic floor and women's hormonal health.
This connection is seamlessly threaded through out the course.
Connecting mind, body, and the natural world.
Mindfulness Practices
More than 10 meditations to connect to your womb and the energetics of the space here.
Energy Medicine and the Fae
Connections of the world of the fae and how integration of the natural world and energy work can deeply connect to our physical body
Anatomy and Science
The thread that melds it all together - detailed educational lectures that connect the ethereal with the real life anatomy and the female body and hormones.
Example Curriculum
Meet Your Instructor:
Dr. Emily Bessemer
Dr. Emily is a board certified pelvic floor physical therapist, a women's health and wellness specialist and a reiki master/energy practitioner. In the course she taps in to her various levels of education and movement practice specialities to bring you closer to your womb space and beyond.